The Adventure Log

Keep track of your life's endless adventure.

Do you remember the feeling of finally hitting the summit the last time you went on a long hike? The weather conditions? Who you were with to soak in the view? It's hard to keep track of all the little things when you're enjoying the moment. But it's easier if you have a notebook designed for that exact purpose in your back pocket. A collaboration between Word. Notebooks and Bradley Mountain, the Adventure Log provides a pocket-friendly solution to your poor memory. Each page has a place to put the location, date, and conditions of your trip, along with a spot for 'Companions' and a separate space for any other type of note you may want to leave. Now you have an easy way to fill in the details without distracting yourself too much from the moment in front of you.

  • Made in the USA
  • Pack of 3
  • 48 pages each
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