Moanti Whole Bean Coffee

Delicately processed beans for a better cup of coffee.

Papua New Guinea’s Moanti Network — named after local farmer Mrs. Moanti Ise — is a small group of 269 farmers, who together produce around 135 tons of green coffee per year. This batch comes from their harvest. Made almost entirely in ‘coffee gardens’ where the plants benefit from the shade of surrounding trees, only the most perfectly ripe cherries (that’s coffee slang for growing beans) are used. The result is a unique blend that offers a silky body with hints of cashew and dried apricot, courtesy of the other side of the world.

  • 12 oz resealable bag
  • Beans sourced from Papua New Guinea
  • Tasting Notes: Cashew, Dried Apricot, Silky Body
  • Processing: Washed, raised bed dried
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