The Kase Mate Beer Cooler

No ice? No problem.

No ice? No problem. This cooler is specifically designed to slip onto an intact case of beer and keep it cool for up to 7 hours, without the use of ice. Plus it adds virtually no bulk to the case, and is easier to carry around than those flimsy cardboard handles, or a heavy plastic cooler. Pair it with Kanga's matching Beer Block ice pack to enjoy a few extra hours of cold drinks—in case your party turns into an afterparty.

  • Keeps drinks cold for up to 7 hours without ice
  • Keeps drinks cold all day with ice
  • 12-Pack Kase Mate holds a standard 12-pack case of 12oz standard or slim cans
  • 24-Pack Kase Mate holds a standard 24-pack case of 12oz standard cans, two 12-packs or four 6-packs
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