Heat Activated Fabric Dressing

Get factory-level protection from organic, all natural ingredients.

Some facts that are unavoidable. You will grow up, you will lose hair, and, during a lifetime, you will go through an insane amount of clothes. There's no helping your ever-fading youth, but at least Otter Wax can help you with your expanding wardrobe. The Oregon-Based company makes amazing products that help your clothes last longer and look better.

Products like the Heat Activated Fabric Dressing. Packed in a 1/2 pint tin, the Fabric Dressing is an all-natural water repellant that's great for canvas shoes, hats, jackets, backpacks, and more. Apply it to your favorite duds to get that factory-waxed look and feel. Because Otter Wax is committed to sustainability, the product is made from 100% natural ingredients, avoiding toxins like silicone and petroleum. Due to the heat in the application process, the cure time is dramatically reduced and the results are more professional. Unlike your hairline, your freshly-waxed threads aren't going anywhere.

  • All-natural water repellency
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Long-lasting water repellent seal
  • Handmade in Portland, Oregon
  • Place tin in 1.5" cool water

  • Use heating element to simmer until melted

  • Apply with a brush or lint-free cloth

  • Use only as much wax as can be absorbed

  • Rub into fabric with fingers for uniformity

  • Allow 24-48 hours for wax to cure

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