Heady Topper Beer Jelly

Have beer for breakfast without people questioning your decision-making capabilities.

Start your next gastronomic adventure with a culinary crack of the whip. More specifically, start it with beer jelly.

It’s exactly what it sounds like: jelly made with beer. But Vermont-based Potlicker Kitchen doesn't just use any old beer. Its Heady Jelly variety is made with Alchemist Brewery's Heady Topper, one of the most sought after microbrews ever. The overloaded double IPA holds the title of the most highly-rated beer in the world on Beer Advocate thanks to its bright burst of grapefruit-tinged hoppiness, and those same citrus notes make it great for jelly. Simple ingredients like beer, cane sugar, and citrus pectin lead to a subtle, yet oh-so-savory, taste that'll blow lesser spreads out of the kitchen. It works great in a glaze or sauce, and equally as well as a paring with cheese and crackers. So grab the snacks. It's time to eat your beer.

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