Yellowbird Habanero Hot Sauce

An all-natural way to kick it up a notch.

Yellowbird Habanero Sauce is the all-natural, preservative-free solution to your next boring meal. The pocket-friendly bottle is the difference between a lame lunch and one with the punch you've been looking for. The bursting flavor and slow-burn heat is tinged with just a little bit of citrus, thanks to the tangerine and lime juice that accompanies the classic habanero and vinegar base. You receive six bottles in a case, and you can either store the other five, give them away as gifts, or spread them around the house so you'll never have to be too far from Yellowbird ever again.

  • 9oz
  • Ingredients include carrot, habanero pepper, salt, organic cane sugar, organic distilled vinegar, onion, garlic, tangerine juice, and lime juice
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