Our Human Rights Policy

Bespoke Post’s mission is to reinvent how people discover the products they love. We are committed to achieving this by conducting our operations and business activities in a manner that respects the dignity and human rights of all individuals. We observe and comply with all laws applicable to our business. When local laws and international standards differ, we seek to comply with the most stringent standard. The U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) guide us in fulfilling our commitments and constitute the primary internationally-recognized framework for identifying and remediating salient human rights harms that may arise from our operations, activities, and supply chains.

Bespoke Post recognizes and respects the fundamental rights described in the International Bill of Human Rights, whose cornerstones consist of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We also adhere to the key worker freedoms articulated by the International Labor Organization (ILO), in particular the ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the ILO’s 2014 Protocol strengthening the ILO’s original Forced Labor Convention.

Bespoke Post believes diversity and inclusivity are not only integral to the meaningful implementation of human rights by companies, but are woven into our values, culture, and product offerings. We believe in equality of opportunity and foster a workplace that welcomes all individuals and fully respects their rights, regardless of a person’s race, ethnicity, age, religious belief or lack thereof, gender and sexual orientation, social status, or any other identifying characteristic. As such, Bespoke Post prohibits all forms of discrimination, retaliation, and harassment, and actively promotes respect for all of our workers, business partners, and the rights-holders who may be impacted by our activities.

Bespoke Post sources a wide range of commodities from diverse regions of the world.

In line with the Conventions of the ILO, we are committed to providing competitive wages and benefits to the workers who produce these products, and respecting their right to decide whether to join a union and engage in collective bargaining affecting wages, benefits, and other labor protections. Bespoke Post also implements the ILO Conventions establishing a workplace that is safe, healthy, free from harassment and retaliation, and that promotes these and all other rights of workers.

Bespoke Post has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to all forms of modern slavery, in particular child, forced, and trafficked labor. We are a partner in the global campaign to eradicate all forms of modern slavery, and comply with all applicable laws preventing forced labor in supply chains, in particular provisions in the U.S. Tariff Act that prohibit the importation into the United States of goods made with forced labor. Bespoke Post additionally aligns itself with the effort to prevent the forced labor of Uyghur and other ethnic and religious minorities in China, and is committed to carrying out due diligence that can ensure its imports and supply chains are free from such abuses, as called for by the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA). In addition, Bespoke complies with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, and publically [discloses] its commitments to ending forced labor and all other forms of forced labor.

In implementing the UFLPA, Bespoke Post will require its Sellers and other partners to affirm that their supply chain does not contain the forced labor of persecuted minorities in China, in particular those from the Xinjian region, and will also work closely with Sellers to advance the due diligence standards prescribed by the UFLPA for assessing whether a good and the supply chain from which it originated contains forced labor inputs from persecuted minorities Xinjiang or elsewhere in China. As our purchase order agreements make clear, we exercise the right to terminate our relationships with a Seller when we deem that it is not complying with the UFLPA and/or Bespoke Post’s policies and protocols for affirming compliance with U.S. forced labor laws.

Bespoke Post’s business practices and activities are guided by the UNGPs, which set forth an expectation that companies will take every step possible to neither commit nor contribute to human rights abuses. To this end, we seek to identify and remedy salient, adverse human rights impacts associated with our business activities and commercial relationships, and prevent such abuses from occurring in the future. This is accomplished by conducting due diligence, in accordance with the UNGPs, that assesses the human rights impacts of our operations and activities, including the manufacturing of Bespoke’s products, and by acting on our findings.

Bespoke Post will conduct more in-depth due diligence when credible evidence or allegations of human rights abuses related to our commercial activities are brought to our attention. When such evidence or allegations call for specialized due diligence, we will consider engaging an independent human rights expert to assess specific compliance issues.

Bespoke Post also recognizes that due diligence rests on grievance mechanisms that effectively collect feedback and claims of harms from all stakeholders potentially impacted by our activities, and that can help ensure the provision of meaningful remedy when human rights are adversely impacted.

Recognizing that corruption can also undermine human rights, Bespoke Post strictly prohibits bribery and other improper payments to foreign officials, consistent with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.N. Convention Against Corruption.

Post requires all of its employees to comply with the provisions in this Policy. We also expect our sellers, suppliers, and other business partners to fully adhere to the Policy. Employees who fail to implement the Policy may face disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination by Bespoke Post. For suppliers and our other partners, failure to comply with the Policy is grounds for the cancellation of a Purchase Order(s) and any other commercial agreements, and may also result in the termination of any future business with Bespoke Post.

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