Pickling Kit

Give your favorite veggies a new lease on life.

Give your favorite veggies a new lease on life. This little pickling kit comes with an airtight jar and enough spices to take 4 jars of vegetables down new roads—plus an instruction and recipe booklet to keep you from making a wrong turn. Just add salt and some thinly sliced goodies, and let the journey begin.

  • Includes 2 pickling spice packets, an instruction and recipe booklet, and 16 oz pickling jar
  • Kit includes enough spice to make 4 jars of pickles
  • Madagascar pickling spice contains: turmeric, coriander, voatsiperifery wild pepper, baies roses, mace, mustard, and clove
  • Moroccan pickling spice contains: coriander, long pepper, chilies, sweet cinnamon, cardamom, and rose petals
  • Allergen warning: baies roses are related to cashew/tree nuts
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