Seed Bomb Slingshot Ammo

Is there a reason you haven't started guerrilla gardening? These seed bombs should help.

Sling shots can do more than shatter your neighbor's windows. They can also turn your neighbor's yard into an impromptu garden. These seed bombs from Hella Slingshots are made for guerilla-style gardening, perfect for anyone looking to add some spontaneity to their outdoor area. Handmade from recycled paper, the seed bombs activate after they're soaked in water. Once they're ready, load them in your favorite slingshot, and blast some color on your currently dull lawn.

  • (Dia.)1"
  • 10 handmade balls
  • Seed mix may include but is not limited to white yarrow, purple coneflower, shirley poppy, foxglove, red prairie coneflower, maltese crosee, catchfly, snapdragon, and sweet alyssum
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